Fujifilm X-T30 II ohišje - Črn. Naslednjik zelo uspešnega mirrorless / brezzrcalnega fotoaparata Fujifilm X-T30 je tu! Na kratko gre za isti design a z zmogljivostjo primerljivo z Fujifilm X-T4.
Glavne lastnosti:
- APS-C X-Trans™* BSI CMOS senzor & X-Procesor Quad CPU
- 3" 1.62m-Dot tilt LCD ekran
- napredni autofocus za face/eye detection in AF-C nastavitve
- napreden 4K Video
- blackout free rafal
- full HD 120FPS
- Napredni SR AUTO način
- ISO do 51200
- nove film simulacije (Classic Neg, Eterna Bleach Bypass)
- daljše delovanje z eno baterijo glede na X-T30
Izboljšave Fuji X-T30 MK2 glede na X-T30:
- nove filmske simulacije: Classic Neg, Eterna Bleach Bypass
- Chrome Blue dodan efekt
- AF Range Limiter
- clarity Settings
- drive Mode Bracketing: HDR Mode ( 800% +)
- daljše snemanje:
4K do 30min
Full HD do 30min
full HD 120p/100p 200Mbps do 6min
Full HD 240p/200p 200Mbps do 3min
- boljši AF v slabših pogojih
- daljše delovanje z isto baterijo
Tehnične specifikacije fotoaparata Fujifilm X-T30 II:
- število mega pixlov: 26,1MP
- velikost senzorja: 23,6x15,6mm (APS-C)
- spominska kartica: SD
- formati: jpg, raw, MOV
- bajonet: Fujifilm X
- občutljivost: 100-51200
- max hitrost zaklopa: 1/32000s (elektronski), 1/4000s (mehanski)
- rafal: 14 slik na sekundo
- ekran: 3" 1,62m-točk
- brezžina povezava: da - prenašanje fototgrafij in live view s prožilcem in kontrolo nad nastavitvami
- baterija: NP-W126S
- teža: 378g (s kartico in baterijo)
Inspired by Photographers
Every element of FUJIFILM X-T30 II has been designed with photographers in mind. From the dial-based operation, and compact, lightweight body, to the latest-generation APS-C sensor, it lights up the imagination and inspires creativity. What’s more, X-T30 II fuses cutting edge, convenient features – such as a rear touchscreen and a discreet built-in flash – with a vintage aesthetic charm to make photography a truly immersive experience.
X-Trans CMOS 4 sensor
The fourth-generation X-Trans CMOS 4 sensor sits at the heart of X-T30 II. The 26.1MP back-illuminated imaging sensor minimize noise, while also extending sensitivity to ISO160. Additionally, the unique structure of the X-Trans color filter array reduces moiré and false colors, without the need for an optical low pass filter.

X-Processor 4
The quad-core X-Processor 4 works with the X-Trans CMOS 4 sensor to provide an image processing combination that is capable of delivering various Film Simulation options, opening doors to new levels of creativity through how they each interpret colors and tones. Significant enhancements have also been made to the camera’s ability to track moving subjects, optimizing autofocus for both stills and its powerful 4K/30P video capabilities.

Perfect Color to Define
Your Photographic Style
Great images need great color and Fujifilm’s outstanding legacy in color science, perfected by combining more than 85 years of expertise and knowledge, delivers on every image that is created. Each Film Simulation produces specially formulated depth, saturation, and tonality that needs little-or-no post production work.

Film Simulation Modes
Photographers and filmmakers can enjoy the creative freedom and unique look and feel of 18 different Film Simulations on X-T30 II. Each Film Simulation is precisely engineered to reproduce colors and tones from Fujifilm’s most popular analog films and some of photography’s longest-standing photo finishing processes. With your favorite Film Simulation, you can make images or video with a consistent look, transfer them to a smartphone or computer, then immediately post to social media or a blog.
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