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Elementi 37-48 od 143

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  1. CANON objektiv EF-M 15-45/3,5-6,3 IS STM

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    Lahek, kompakten objektiv s povečavo in stabilizatorjem slike. Idealen vsestranski objektiv za pokrajinsko in portretno fotografijo.


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    279,00 €

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    Carl Zeiss Otus 1,4/85 objektiv za Canon EF namestitev DSLR fotoaparata podpira vse funkcije fotoaparata, vključno s samodejnim ostrenjem in nadzorom osvetlitve, ter za DSLR APS-C modele, kjer zagotavlja 136 mm enakovredno goriščno razdaljo. Odlična Planar optika z zasnovo plavajočega elementa vključuje 1 asferični element in 6 netipičnih delno disperzijskih elementov, omogoča zmanjšano aberacijo in popačenje, obenem pa ohranja visoko ostrino. Carl Zeiss T* prevleka proti odsevu zagotavlja maksimalen kontrast in prikaz barv z zmanjšanjem razpršene svetlobe in odsevov v objektiv. Kovinsko ohišje z gumijastim obročem in rumeno obarvano lestvico je odporno na prah in vlago.

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    4.099,80 €
  3. ZEISS OTUS 1,4/85 ZF.2 NIKON

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    Carl Zeiss Otus 1,4/85 objektiv za Nikon F2 namestitev DSLR fotoaparata podpira vse funkcije fotoaparata, vključno s samodejnim ostrenjem in nadzorom osvetlitve, ter za DSLR APS-C modele, kjer zagotavlja 127,5 mm enakovredno goriščno razdaljo. Odlična Planar optika z zasnovo plavajočega elementa vključuje 1 asferični element in 6 netipičnih delno disperzijskih elementov, omogoča zmanjšano aberacijo in popačenje, obenem pa ohranja visoko ostrino. Carl Zeiss T* prevleka proti odsevu zagotavlja maksimalen kontrast in prikaz barv z zmanjšanjem razpršene svetlobe in odsevov v objektiv. Kovinsko ohišje z gumijastim obročem in rumeno obarvano lestvico je odporno na prah in vlago.

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    4.099,80 €

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    Carl Zeiss Milvus 2,0 / 135 ZF.2 Nikon srednji tele objektiv z značilno apochromatic sonnar, odlično optiko, natančnim nadzorom in položajem ostrenja. Zasnovan je za FX poln format Nikon F nameščen na DSLR in tudi možnostjo uporabe DX modelov, kjer bo zagotovil 202,5 mm enakovredno goriščno razdaljo. Carl Zeiss T* prevleka proti odsevu zagotavlja maksimalen kontrast in prikaz barv z zmanjšanjem razpršene svetlobe in odsevov v objektiv. Kovinsko ohišje dopolnjuje obroč z gumo, ki omogoča natančen nadzor ročnega ostrenja in je hkrati tudi zaščita pred prahom in vlago.

    Izvedite več
    2.254,44 €

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    Carl Zeiss Milvus 2,0 / 135 ZE Canon srednji tele objektiv z značilno apochromatic sonnar, odlično optiko, natančnim nadzorom in položajem ostrenja. Zasnovan je za poln format Canon EF nameščen na DSLR in tudi možnostjo uporabe APS - C modelov, kjer bo zagotovil 216 mm enakovredno goriščno razdaljo. Carl Zeiss T* prevleka proti odsevu zagotavlja maksimalen kontrast in prikaz barv z zmanjšanjem razpršene svetlobe in odsevov v objektiv. Kovinsko ohišje dopolnjuje obroč z gumo, ki omogoča natančen nadzor ročnega ostrenja in je hkrati tudi zaščita pred prahom in vlago.

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    2.254,44 €

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    The Planar lens design is the most successful – and most frequently copied – camera lens design of all time. Modifications to the tried-and-tested six-lens basic type ensure that it achieves the high imaging quality required by modern sensors. Lenses with a Planar optical design enable consistent performance across a large range of image scales – the key requirement for universal macro-lenses. 

    Izvedite več
    1.844,35 €

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    The Planar lens design is the most successful – and most frequently copied – camera lens design of all time. Modifications to the tried-and-tested six-lens basic type ensure that it achieves the high imaging quality required by modern sensors. Lenses with a Planar optical design enable consistent performance across a large range of image scales – the key requirement for universal macro-lenses. 

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    1.844,35 €
  8. ZEISS BATIS 2,8/135 SONY

    ZEISS BATIS 2,8/135 SONY

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    A lens with relatively few glass-air surfaces, it was developed by Dr. Ludwig Bertele at ZEISS in 1930. At the time it was one of the fastest high-speed lenses for 35 mm photography, with apertures as large as 1:1.5 and high contrast thanks to effective stray light reduction. Its high speed and high contrast helped give the lens its name, which is derived from the word “sun,” the symbol of maximum brightness. You continue to find the aforementioned benefits with modern lenses in the normal and telephoto ranges whose optical design is based on this basic type.

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    Redna cena 1.741,83 € Akcijska cena 1.491,83 €
  9. ZEISS BATIS 1,8/85 SONY


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    A lens with relatively few glass-air surfaces, it was developed by Dr. Ludwig Bertele at ZEISS in 1930. At the time it was one of the fastest high-speed lenses for 35 mm photography, with apertures as large as 1:1.5 and high contrast thanks to effective stray light reduction. Its high speed and high contrast helped give the lens its name, which is derived from the word “sun,” the symbol of maximum brightness. You continue to find the aforementioned benefits with modern lenses in the normal and telephoto ranges whose optical design is based on this basic type.

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    Redna cena 1.229,22 € Akcijska cena 1.079,24 €
  10. ZEISS LOXIA 2,4/85 SONY


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    A lens with relatively few glass-air surfaces, it was developed by Dr. Ludwig Bertele at ZEISS in 1930. At the time it was one of the fastest high-speed lenses for 35 mm photography, with apertures as large as 1:1.5 and high contrast thanks to effective stray light reduction. Its high speed and high contrast helped give the lens its name, which is derived from the word “sun,” the symbol of maximum brightness. You continue to find the aforementioned benefits with modern lenses in the normal and telephoto ranges whose optical design is based on this basic type.

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    Redna cena 1.434,27 € Akcijska cena 1.284,27 €
  11. ZEISS PLANAR T 1,4/85 ZF.2 NIKON

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    The Planar lens design is the most successful – and most frequently copied – camera lens design of all time. Modifications to the tried-and-tested six-lens basic type ensure that it achieves the high imaging quality required by modern sensors. Lenses with a Planar optical design enable consistent performance across a large range of image scales – the key requirement for universal macro-lenses.

    Izvedite več
    1.177,97 €

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    The Planar lens design is the most successful – and most frequently copied – camera lens design of all time. Modifications to the tried-and-tested six-lens basic type ensure that it achieves the high imaging quality required by modern sensors. Lenses with a Planar optical design enable consistent performance across a large range of image scales – the key requirement for universal macro-lenses.

    Izvedite več
    1.177,97 €
Nastavi padajočo smer
Prikaži kot Mreža Seznam

Elementi 37-48 od 143

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